Saturday 19 September 2015

Post 9: Analogical Thinking 2

Analogies Type 1 quiz. Simple quiz uses relationship of the first two given pair to figure the answer for the next pair.

Analogies Type 2 quiz. It uses picture to relate the bottom pair to the top pair.

Analogies Type 3 quiz. Very similar to type 2 quiz, however I got wrong for my first question. I chose D but it was B instead. Because the T-shirt and shoes are part of clothing and chest and couch are part of furniture. 

Analogies Type 4 quiz. This quiz is about the progression of the given item. From smallest to largest.

Analogies Type 5 quiz. This quiz is a little more difficult because of my knowledge of words and there are more answer. This quiz is about the relationship of words. 

This is still Type 5 Analogies Quiz, this page I encounter a lot unfamiliar words. 

Analogies Type 6 quiz. After cracking my brain to complete Type 5 because of my limited vocabulary, Type 6 was a disaster for me.  
These are the some of the words that I didn't know and now they are part of my vocabulary.
Similes. "As shiny as a diamond" was what I shared in class.
Similes, metaphors and analogies are thinking strategies to solve problems through making connection or association between objects that seem dissimilar.

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