Saturday 19 September 2015

Post 8: Tutorial Week Exercise SAM visit

The Singapore Art Museum's building, and each section looks like a facial expression, this looks like it is embarrass.

This artwork looks calm but I feel that it is lonely and sad. I would feel depress looking at this for a while.

The escape route map in SAM looks angry!

Focusing on the top of the picture, there is a sad face-like look.

 I took this picture which include the floor so the whole picture look like a facial expression. It is sad and disappointing.
 There are a lot of small sculptures in SAM which shows emotions. This one shows fear or afraid.
 Calm and relax.
 Sad building of SAM.
 Together with the 2 arts and the vent at the bottom, it gives a facial expression of confuse.
I turn this picture upside down and realize there is face which is calm.
Happy sculpture.

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