Saturday 19 September 2015

Post 9: Analogical Thinking 2

Analogies Type 1 quiz. Simple quiz uses relationship of the first two given pair to figure the answer for the next pair.

Analogies Type 2 quiz. It uses picture to relate the bottom pair to the top pair.

Analogies Type 3 quiz. Very similar to type 2 quiz, however I got wrong for my first question. I chose D but it was B instead. Because the T-shirt and shoes are part of clothing and chest and couch are part of furniture. 

Analogies Type 4 quiz. This quiz is about the progression of the given item. From smallest to largest.

Analogies Type 5 quiz. This quiz is a little more difficult because of my knowledge of words and there are more answer. This quiz is about the relationship of words. 

This is still Type 5 Analogies Quiz, this page I encounter a lot unfamiliar words. 

Analogies Type 6 quiz. After cracking my brain to complete Type 5 because of my limited vocabulary, Type 6 was a disaster for me.  
These are the some of the words that I didn't know and now they are part of my vocabulary.
Similes. "As shiny as a diamond" was what I shared in class.
Similes, metaphors and analogies are thinking strategies to solve problems through making connection or association between objects that seem dissimilar.

Post 8: Tutorial Week Exercise SAM visit

The Singapore Art Museum's building, and each section looks like a facial expression, this looks like it is embarrass.

This artwork looks calm but I feel that it is lonely and sad. I would feel depress looking at this for a while.

The escape route map in SAM looks angry!

Focusing on the top of the picture, there is a sad face-like look.

 I took this picture which include the floor so the whole picture look like a facial expression. It is sad and disappointing.
 There are a lot of small sculptures in SAM which shows emotions. This one shows fear or afraid.
 Calm and relax.
 Sad building of SAM.
 Together with the 2 arts and the vent at the bottom, it gives a facial expression of confuse.
I turn this picture upside down and realize there is face which is calm.
Happy sculpture.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Post 7: Analogical Thinking

1. The chair is light, white, made of plastic and flexible.
2. The chair seems a little lonely but at the same time it is enjoying itself.
3. I would feel relax when using it however a little dangerous if I decided to swing harder.
4. Although the chair seems lonely but if I am the chair, I would not want anyone to sit on me even though I am lonely. I will feel pain, heavy, stress, angry and hurt.
We drink water everyday using cup. In the past, man used hollow horn, shells, coconuts and even skull as a vessel to drink. Now, my cup that I use is made of ceramic. There is also cups made by clay which is a natural material. 
Transportation existed in the past however it was much more difficult to access unlike today, our transportation are a lot faster and easily accessible. Example of transportation evolution: from horses to bicycle and then motorcycle.
In the past, before light bulb was created, the only light source was the sun. 
Today we have fan, one switch and we get to cool ourselves down. However, in the past there is no such thing as electronic fan but natural wind. Because of heat, people from the past created hand fan.
Food! Chicken's eggs and vegetables are natural, and they are widely use for food today. Of course, we use oil to cook our food, and oil is a natural resource. Without them, we would not have our KFC today.
5 emotions of candle
5 emotions of cup

 Angry and about to break!
 Sad and sorry
Angry leads to violence behavior.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Post 6: Lateral Thinking

Lateral thinking requires us to approach a problem through indirect and creative thinking. Connecting the 9 dots was the first puzzle that we did during lesson. I approach this puzzle directly first and found out that only 5 straight lines could connect all 9 dots and 4 straight lines was impossible. Since the only rule was 4 straight lines without lifting up the pencil from the paper, I decided to go out of the space given and find a solution.
This was the second puzzle we did in class and I did not manage to solve it. The reason why I did not manage to solve it in time was because I did not think about how I should approach the problem and all I did was keep tracing to find the answer which was wrong.
Another puzzle given and done in class.
This was the solution to the puzzle above and it was exactly how I see it as I was solving. I had the picture in my mind of the triangle upward and downward then I combine both of them to give the same solution given in lesson.
Class exercise 1. My first answer to this was to keep the chicken. So I could start a chicken farm and sell them. Free chicken meat for myself. 
Class exercise 2. Solution below.
I sketch out the scenario to get a better picture. 

This is what the bee see. And also, bee sees red as black.