Friday 14 August 2015

Post 3: Brainstorming 1
Brainstorming can be done by individuals or together as a group to come out with list of ideas very quickly and solve the specific problem.
Brainstorming is a very strong tool to solve creative problems and it is widely used.
Studies have shown that a group of people brainstorming together contribute fewer ideas than the same amount of people working as an individual.
Brainstorming is a powerful tool to expand on an existing idea. Creativity takes time to process and forcing it might take a longer period. Thus it is better to ask individuals to brainstorm before contributing in groups.
There is a guideline for brainstorming in group. There should be a leader to ensure 100% participation, 100% acceptance of all ideas which helps increase in quantity. 
During our class group brainstorm activity, I realized that the first 30 to 40 ideas were contributed very quickly and very obvious solution to the problem which is not interesting or creative. After the first 40 ideas, contribution became slower and we started to think out of the box giving more creative ideas.
Brainstorm trains me to see solution that nobody thought of and be different from my friends. Just like these clouds, some people can see the shape immediately while the others could not or take a long time to realize.
When I first look at this, just like everyone else, we would think of it as a heart island. However, brainstorming would allows me to think of it as something else and creative.
Using the CCTV as the head to draw crow. Very creative and there are more ideas than just a crow.

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