Friday 7 August 2015

Post 2: Breaking the rules- How to break a glass

First of all, I learned that I must be well aware of the rules that was given then it requires me to think out of the box, far away from the rules given.
Breaking the rules project. My group came up with 101 ways to ''how to break a glass''. 

Glass breaking into smaller pieces, but when they hold in the same position after breaking, they form a spiderweb-like look.
Glasses are also use for reading purposes or spectacles for poor eyesight. 

Glass can refract and also reflect light. 
Glass can be use for art. Painted glass panel can be found in many churches.  
One way to break glass is to use sledge hammer.
Elephant's ears look like butterfly. It will be cool if a zoo colour their ears making them look like giant butterfly. 
 I can see a wine bottle, a guitar and a butterfly in the light bulb.
 Pyramid-like buildings. And from the picture, the building closer to the river looks like a shark's fin.
L-shape building, a jumping board for diving.

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