Friday 28 August 2015

Post 5: Mind mapping week (How does education fit with your dreams of a happy life?)

Mind mapping is a very effective way of getting ideas out of my mind and also constantly questioning myself and get more solution to a specific question. This mind map was done by our group, we were both creative and logical as we map out our ideas.
Family to me is very important, without them I will not have both education or happiness. Family is where life begins and endless love. It is a blessing to have a lovely family who supports me in my education and everything else I do.
Having education allows us to socialise with people and make new friends. Education gives us better communication which gives us better understanding of people. This allows us to open our social circle, boosting our self-confident. Self-confident makes us more open mind, flexible dealing with different situation and less insecure. Also increase our leadership so in the future we will have more opportunity to lead better and anyone under my command would feel uneasy but happy.
Education is important in our life which is also key to happiness. It allows me to explore my talents such as sports, music and art. I have a lot of achievements in sports and music and of course this makes me very happy since I accomplish something in my life. When I was doing my sport, I found out I kept on setting goals which kept me going for about 7 years. Now I pursuing my art, my short-term goal now is to become better artist.
Also one reason why education is key to happy life is because of having a career. Career is our future. It includes finding your love one and setting up a family, having a job and even better if the salary is high. "Got money, no worries", everyone wishes to become rich so they can live on a luxury life which gives us happiness.
Education from primary, secondary and now tertiary, all of these give us a positive environment. Environment impacts our life, what we hear, see, touch, smell and feel around us all affect our happiness. Positive environment such as schools promote good behaviour which makes become more happy.
  No success, no happiness.
Our society and education have taught us to help one another. We have practical actions such as fund raising, clarity work and voluntary work to improve mental well being and to create a happy caring society.
Without stress, there will not be happiness. Life is always up and down. Stress keep me going even though it makes me angry or sad, at the end of the day when I succeed, it is like "the happiness moment in my life". 
Art is where all my happiness begin. Art is everywhere. We all think differently, coming out with many creative ideas and sharing opinions is fun. Art helps me to release stress too.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Post 4: Brainstorming 2

Brainstorming tons of ideas to find the conclusion of a specific problems. Accepting every ideas from each member and also embracing both side of my brain; both creativity and analytical.
Rather than just drawing it, we can use different ways to finish the art. Fun way to brainstorm.
A more exciting way to brainstorm as a group and requires everyone to think harder and participation.
I brainstorm all the time because life has full of problems!
I brainstorm before I draw. After doing my research, I came up with a topic, Then I envision how my artwork looks like. But how do I make interesting? Since I am in an illustration course, it is very important to put in ton of ideas and this is why creative thinking and brainstorming become my best friends.
I think brainstorm is also a great tool to train our thinking. Every lessons, we are asked to think harder than anyone else. It allows me to become better in solving problems more quickly and more creative.
During group brainstorming, some of my ideas were sort of rejected and the rule was to accept all ideas. I guess it was because it was too soon to give out crazy and creative ideas while everyone else was still thinking about the obvious. Example of my ideas were: use a tank or a nuclear bomb to break a glass (101 ways). 
Group brainstorm was really fun, we get to know and understand each other better, we learn to be more open minded by learning how to accept, we become more creative. 
Group brainstorm is like a connection tool, it helps us to connect everyone together to expand on an existing idea. "Great minds think alike".
This is why we should brainstorm!

Friday 14 August 2015

Post 3: Brainstorming 1
Brainstorming can be done by individuals or together as a group to come out with list of ideas very quickly and solve the specific problem.
Brainstorming is a very strong tool to solve creative problems and it is widely used.
Studies have shown that a group of people brainstorming together contribute fewer ideas than the same amount of people working as an individual.
Brainstorming is a powerful tool to expand on an existing idea. Creativity takes time to process and forcing it might take a longer period. Thus it is better to ask individuals to brainstorm before contributing in groups.
There is a guideline for brainstorming in group. There should be a leader to ensure 100% participation, 100% acceptance of all ideas which helps increase in quantity. 
During our class group brainstorm activity, I realized that the first 30 to 40 ideas were contributed very quickly and very obvious solution to the problem which is not interesting or creative. After the first 40 ideas, contribution became slower and we started to think out of the box giving more creative ideas.
Brainstorm trains me to see solution that nobody thought of and be different from my friends. Just like these clouds, some people can see the shape immediately while the others could not or take a long time to realize.
When I first look at this, just like everyone else, we would think of it as a heart island. However, brainstorming would allows me to think of it as something else and creative.
Using the CCTV as the head to draw crow. Very creative and there are more ideas than just a crow.

Friday 7 August 2015

Post 2: Breaking the rules- How to break a glass

First of all, I learned that I must be well aware of the rules that was given then it requires me to think out of the box, far away from the rules given.
Breaking the rules project. My group came up with 101 ways to ''how to break a glass''. 

Glass breaking into smaller pieces, but when they hold in the same position after breaking, they form a spiderweb-like look.
Glasses are also use for reading purposes or spectacles for poor eyesight. 

Glass can refract and also reflect light. 
Glass can be use for art. Painted glass panel can be found in many churches.  
One way to break glass is to use sledge hammer.
Elephant's ears look like butterfly. It will be cool if a zoo colour their ears making them look like giant butterfly. 
 I can see a wine bottle, a guitar and a butterfly in the light bulb.
 Pyramid-like buildings. And from the picture, the building closer to the river looks like a shark's fin.
L-shape building, a jumping board for diving.